Central Spanish Study Resource

Introduction/Objective:  Explain the process of making specific, measurable, achievable, relatable, and time related goals that will guide, motivate, and propel you forward in your language learning progress next year!

Setting Spanish Goals 2022


Goal Writing Activity

Questions to answer and keep in mind

Why do I want to learn Spanish?

What components of Spanish do I want to develop?

Goals – take out a small piece of paper and write down your initial desired goals for 2022

  1. Translating between English to spanish and vise versa
  2. Know more about how to explain cooking a recipe to someone
  3. Memorize more songs
  4. Have more gym vocabulary

Revise Goals:  After learning the SMART method we can implemement it by supplying more context to the goals above

  1. Translate a 1 hour conversation between English to Spanish vise and vice versa
    • Interpret 1 news YouTube video that is 15 minutes long a day
  2. Know more about how to cook in spanish
    • Will memorize 5 phrases a week and watch 30 minutes of Top Chef Mexico every week
  3. Memorize more songs
    • Memorize 1 Bachata song every month for a total of 12 for the year
  4. Have more gym vocabulary
    • Will memorize 5 phrases a week and watch 30 minutes of fitness trainer speak on YouTube
  5. Memorize a lot of proverbs from Santa Biblia
    • Memorize 5 proverbs every month



Do you struggle setting your Spanish goals

How many goals have you made

What were your goals for 2021

Did you know of the SMART method before watching this video


The link below will bring you to the article that explains the SMART Method with various examples

Source: 12 Awesome Hacks To Meet Your SMART Goals in Spanish

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