Central Spanish Study Resource

Do you know how I have found native content to learn Spanish? It is not as difficult as you may think. Whether you are a beginner Spanish learner or an advanced Spanish learner, you find find native content with ease. All I did was simply start searching for different topics online in Spanish! For example, a few years ago, I started to learn how to rollerblade, but I wanted to hear a Spanish speaker explain how to do that. I went onto YouTube and searched “¿Cómo patinar?” and many videos by Spanish speakers popped up. How about that?

Then, I repeated this process with other questions on different platforms like Google and Instagram.

  1. ¿Cúales son las mejores recetas de méxico”

  2. ¿Cúal ciudad en méxico es la mejor para visitar?

  3. ¿Es caro vivir en los estados unidos?

  4. ¿Por qué tengo la gripe?

  5. ¿Cómo bailar salsa caleña?

Another fantastic way to find native content to learn Spanish is by simply asking your native Spanish speaking friends. I have done this many times, and they have been able to give me even more native content that I can immerse myself in. 

In my new Spanish Resource Kit, you can find native content to learn Spanish that I have researched and used over the past 4 years.

Head to the products page to learn more about the resources you will receive in this kit and start improving your Spanish today! 
