Central Spanish Study Resource

YouTube – Querer v Amar v Gustar | Spanish Conversation

In this video you will listen to one Spanish speaker’s perspective on the differences between the verbs amar, gustar, and querer. At first glance, it seems straightforward in English. However, in Spanish, each one has it owns distinct use for how they are used in sentences.

YouTube – Improve Your Spanish Speaking Fluency

If speaking Spanish is a strong desire of yours for this year and beyond, you must push yourself out of your comfort zone and speak Spanish everyday and master your response to questions that you’ll receive from native Spanish speakers.

Spanish Lesson – How To Describe Your Daily Routine In Spanish

I were to walk up to you right now and ask you in Spanish, “¿Cuál es tu rutina diaria?” Would you be able to respond to me clearly and concisely? If not, don’t worry because I’ll show you how to describe your daily routine in Spanish in today’s article. Source: How To Describe Your Daily […]

YouTube – 4 Tips to Make Time to Learn Spanish for Beginners

“I don’t have time to study Spanish” is a phrase that I’ve heard many times from language learners. However, your Spanish progress is completely in your control when you are learning Spanish. You’d be surprised how productive you can be once you understand the many ways to manage your study time.

Spanish Lesson –  Shopping at the Market

9 lessons that have explanations, vocabulary, verbs, and phrases to guide you through a day of shopping at any store you encounter. Source: Vocabulary for Shopping at the Market | SpanishDict